Positive Behavior Practice (PBP) provides services for individuals across diagnostic categories, including:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
- Anxiety Disorders
- …and other diagnoses
Does your child exhibit problem behaviors that present daily challenges? Positive Behavior Practice (PBP) provides services to address many types of problem behaviors, including:
- Aggression
- Self-injury
- Tantrums
- Elopement
- Noncompliance
- …and many other behavioral concerns
Does your child lack certain key skills, making it difficult for him on a daily basis? Positive Behavior Practice (PBP) provides multiple services to build skills in many areas of daily life, including:
- Coping with frustration
- Sleep
- Feeding
- Toileting
- Self-care and hygiene
- Handwriting
- …and many other areas
Check out some of the services available to address these areas: